Exciting, Non-Surgical Treatments Correct Just About Any Cosmetic Concern You Can Imagine In Bend, OR
Are leathery texture and jowls beginning to betray your skin’s age? These and many other signs of aging can be treated effectively and non-surgically at our Bend, OR medical spa. For some of the best Facial Skin Tightening Bend has to offer, let EsthetixMD introduce you to our newest and most exciting technologies so we can reveal your younger-looking, most refreshed, and healthier skin.
Exilis Ultra
It works by combining the power of ultrasound technology and radiofrequency (RF) energy into one non-invasive treatment. The proprietary Energy Flow Control applicator targets specific parts of the body, focusing energy with uniform pulses, for faster treatment and the most effective results.
This is not a laser. So, It can be used on the delicate skin around the eyes and all skin tones and types. The combined energies of Exilis Ultra penetrate surface skin, creating a thermal response in lower layers. This method packs a one-two punch for body contouring. Deep heating contracts skin cells and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which thickens and tightens skin. It also comprises the walls of fat cells, causing them to spill their oily content, which is then harmlessly flushed by the body’s lymphatic system. Since the adult body does not produce new fat cells, sculpted contours are long-lasting with sensible lifestyle habits.
- Fewer treatments than other skin tightening methods. Generally, appointments are scheduled every 7-14 days, with four to six total treatments needed.
- Each session takes approximately 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the area of treatment, and is painless.
- Age is not a factor. Any adult desiring cosmetic improvement is eligible.
- There is no need for needles, general anesthesia, or the expense of cosmetic surgery.
- Because of the cooling system, face, eyes, neck, jowls, abdomen, back, arms, and legs can be treated safely and comfortably.
Thermage FLX
The result of this process is smoothing, tightening, and contouring, without the needles, cutting, and invasiveness associated with surgical procedures such as liposuction. Additionally, the Thermage FLX system by Solta Medical achieves what no number of sit-ups and crunches can accomplish, skin tightening. EsthetixMD patients love that results are not only noticeable after a single treatment session, but these improvements continue to get better and better over time as a process of collagen remodeling is triggered.
Additional benefits of Thermage FLX
- Satiates our hunger for instant gratification, as one 30- to 90-minute treatment delivers improvements to tired, aged, and thirsty skin.
- The device that delivers RF energy is complemented by vibration, which supports a comfortable experience.
- Most patients only report a brief sensation of warmth as the tip of the device touches the skin.
- Built-in cooling further minimizes heat and potential discomfort and damage.
- Side effects usually include minor redness and swelling that subsides in around a day.
- Most patients get on with the activities they love in no time, without little more “maintenance” than the usual skincare and sun protection.
- Multiple areas may be treated, from lines and “hooding” around the eyes to furrows on the forehead, folds around the mouth, and excess tissue along the jawline, under the chin, and the abdomen and legs and arms.
- Increasingly improved results persist for one year, depending on your skin’s condition and the aging process.
- Annual maintenance & products can prolong these stunning results.
Vivace RF Microneedling
This device provides an innovative twist on both non-surgical radiofrequency procedures and microneedling. By combining both of these minimally invasive approaches, Vivace RF Microneedling patients have revealed smoother, more evenly toned, softer, silkier skin, and the results only get better with time.
How This “hybrid” System Works
Treatment with this newest-generation radiofrequency/microneedling device by Aesthetics Biomedical Inc. starts with the application of a specially compounded numbing cream for maximum comfort or ProNox. After the cream has taken effect, the device is applied to the treatment area.
As with other RF therapies, the energy delivered from this FDA-cleared device sets off the process of collagen production, which naturally falls off as we get older. Microneedling also triggers a beneficial process, whereby tiny “channels” are created in the skin to unlock and encourage the body’s natural healing process. As the skin in the treatment area heals, new and fresh tissue is created. At our office in Bend Vivace RF Microneedling accomplishes outstanding results that look natural, and it does so comfortably.
Other advantages of the Vivace Experience
- Immediate results can be yours within a single, roughly 45-minute treatment (additional time is required for the numbing cream to take effect).
- Every patient is different, but generally, three treatments spaced four- to six-weeks apart can achieve the smoother, tighter, and more rejuvenated look that you are after.
- This revolutionary approach can be optimized with SkinMedica PowerDuo, which supports your ability to get back to regular activities quickly and without discomfort.
- Since your face is numbed, many patients report little more than light pressure and infrequent warming throughout treatment.
- Results improve as the production of both firming collagen and springy elastin accelerates over the following six months.
- Most patients can be treated safely and effectively with the Vivace system; even those with darker complexions and tanned skin may be appropriate candidates.
- Post-treatment care is easy and generally involves applying products as recommended by your EsthetixMD provider and abstaining from sun exposure – a good practice year-round.
- Our patients have been thrilled with their softer wrinkles and fine lines and tighter, silkier, and more evenly toned skin.
Benefit From Skin Tightening: The Titan Laser By Cutera
An FDA-cleared infrared device, the Titan system is designed to spot treat certain areas for an immediate lift and tighten skin over time on the face, neck, abdomen, and upper arms, those areas that may be more fleshy than fatty due to age-related collagen loss. The energy that is generated by the Titan system heats the dermis underneath the skin’s surface.
Collagen production is triggered. These new, thicker structural proteins replace the collagen network that is diminished by the natural aging process. Additionally, Cutera Titan laser treatment is “multi-talented.” It creates micro-injuries to the skin’s dermal layer akin to microneedling treatment. As the skin heals itself from these tiny controlled wounds, new collagen is formed. The result is refreshed tight skin.