Pico laser treatment bend or safe effective tattoo removal
04 Dec
Introducing the Advanced Pico Laser Treatment. remove tattoos, unsightly pigmentation and the skins of aging
Do you want to remove unwanted tattoos, “age” spots, acne scars, wrinkles, and other skin conditions? This laser treatment, available in Bend, OR at EsthetixMD, can “do it all” by removing body art and signs of aging, and by toning the skin: the versatile Pico laser treatment.
Revitalized Skin and Pico toning!
What is the Pico Laser? “Short-pulse” Pico lasers deliver short and rapid bursts of energy – a trillionth of a second at a time. In fact, Pico machines are 1,000 times faster than nano lasers. Our FDA-approved Pico device is among the most powerful lasers of its kind; the system has a large energy capacity and spot size, and a rapid “speed”. Short yet powerful pulses mean:
- Effective treatment
- Superior safety
- Less time in treatments
- Enhanced comfort
- No to minimal downtime
Pico technology’s built-in capabilities minimize the amount of heat that is generated during treatment, which decreases the risk of damage to the skin. This advanced design also triggers a process that disrupts clusters of melanin pigment. So, in three to six treatment sessions, stubborn hyperpigmentation such as freckles and sunspots fade. Pico is one of the most effective lasers that you can use for melasma, too. Pico lasers also support collagen and elastin remodeling while minimizing thermal damage and adverse effects. These features make Pico systems an effective treatment option for laxity, lines, wrinkles, and mild to moderate acne scarring.
The best way to say goodbye to unwanted tattoos
Pico’s unique photomechanical effect is exceptional at removing even highly-pigmented inks deep in the skin, precisely and safely. The number of treatment sessions that are required to clear your body art depends on several factors, such as the size and age of the tattoo, as well as the quality and color of the inks. Since the short pulses shatter the ink, the pigment is naturally removed by your body’s immune system. Generally, black and gray inks are easiest to treat. Blue, green, and purple can be more challenging. Additionally, colorful inks are harder to remove on darker skin (due to the risk of hypopigmentation). We also use the PFD patch to allow us to protect the skin so we can do multiple passes and shatter more ink in a single session.
Before and After Care
Treatments generally take around 15 to 20 minutes. For optimal treatment outcomes, without the risk, we recommend:
- Avoidance of sun exposure and tanning for two to four weeks prior to treatment
- Skin in the treatment area to be clean; free of makeup, sunscreen, and lotion
- Discontinue use of photosensitizing medications for at least six months prior to treatment
Skin may be pink for one or two days after treatment. When the ink is gone, it’s gone for good. Results are also lasting for scar removal (maintenance treatments are necessary for other skin conditions).
Due to Pico’s unique properties, the risks associated with earlier-generation tattoo removal are minimized; for instance, it is an appropriate option for skin types that are vulnerable to hypopigmentation following treatment with older lasers. The technology is so effective at breaking apart inks, that average-sized tattoos may be treated in minutes, more quickly and with fewer treatment sessions than ever before.
Why choose us?
We have over five years of experience in offering tattoo removal at EsthetixMD. We now offer both nano and picosecond laser options to effectively and predictably treat a variety of tattoos, skin types, and a wide range of conditions. Rated as “best place for medical cosmetic enhancement” five times in central Oregon, our clinic is overseen by a doctor or nurse practitioner at all times. Our Certified Advanced Estheticians are also highly-trained in tattoo removal and all other laser modalities. So, the health and beauty of your skin is in exceptional hands. Every aspect of the treatment process is tailored to you. We look forward to introducing you to our new Pico laser. Call EsthetixMD Spa & Laser Center at (541) 508-7907 to schedule your consultation.